To create your own dreadlocks, African braids, braids boxers... and all the looks that your creativity allows you to.
The same one I use in Lion Dreadlocks' dread studio. Choose the colors and unleash your art!
Length 1.20 meters without bending, 60 centimeters bent as delivered. 2.7 OZ of hair. Length 23.6” folded.
Each unit is 80 grams of henlon hair.
A unit will arrive for approximately 8 standard dreadlocks (0.8 - 1 cm thick) or about 12 thin ones.
If you want to get braided, approximately each package will give you for 15 standard braids.
If you prefer to send your extensions for ready-made dreadlocks visit the extensions section.
If you prefer cyberdreads, remove and put dreads, visit the cyberdreads category.
Any questions contact me. You also have the online chat down here on the right ;).
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