Synthetic Hair

Quality Loose Synthetic Hair

To create your own dreadlocks, African braids, box braids, and all the looks your creativity allows.

Kanekalon Hair Extensions

Kanekalon hair was created for making braids and other occasional hairstyles. It also works great for creating closed-end or tapered dreadlocks, as it does not allow for a long and loose durable finish at the end.

Henlon Hair Extensions

Henlon hair is of higher quality, created by Dreadshop in the Netherlands specifically for dreadlocks. It is much softer and allows for long, beautiful open ends that almost look natural. These open ends can also be curled, straightened, or braided... a wonderful hair for creations with magnificent finishes and beautiful colors. It has more durability than Kanekalon hair.

Artificial Hair | Lion Dreadlocks


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