Cares for and nourishes your hair and scalp. Prevents dandruff and hair loss. Also adds shine and volume.
Safe for pregnant women, children, and people with sensitive skin.
The application will last with vibrant color for 1 to 2 months on loose hair, and 2 to 4 months on dreads, depending on how often you wash them.
The more applications you do, the more vibrant the color will become each time you dye your hair.
Fully covers gray hair and provides beautiful highlights.
Learn how to apply henna step by step in the description below on this same page.
Instructions for quantity based on hair length:
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Includes: disposable gloves, a cap, and henna powder inside the box.
Additionally, you will need: a non-metallic container, a non-metallic spatula, hot water (preferably bottled), a tint brush for applying to roots (optional), a towel, and a hairdryer.
For better results, you can add a bit of lemon juice or chamomile tea to the mixture.
How to use:
Tip: Before starting, apply moisturizer around your face, ears, and neck to prevent staining your skin.
On dry hair: Apply the paste while massaging the scalp thoroughly, covering all roots completely and evenly. Continue to the ends if applying to the entire hair. If dyeing dreads, the process is the same—apply carefully dread by dread, soaking each one thoroughly to ensure the dye penetrates as much of the inner hair as possible, not just the outer layer. Otherwise, follow the same steps as for loose hair.
Once everything is covered, massage the scalp well.
If you’re just touching up roots: put the cap on with your hair or dreads tied in a low ponytail.
If you’re dyeing everything: gather your hair in a bun and put the cap on.
If the cap moves, you can secure it with plastic wrap.
Clean any stained skin now.
Leave the dye on for 2 to 3 hours.
Rinse with warm water until most of the paste (a mud-like texture) is removed. Then wash with your shampoo (if you have dreads, your shampoo should be this one from Dr. Bronner's). Massage your scalp for one minute and finally rinse with warm water until the water runs almost clear.
Ingredients: Cassia Obovata, Lawsonia Inermis, Sodium Picramate
Quantity: 100 grams. Enough for most hair or dreadheads (up to mid-back length; for longer hair, you will need one and a half to two packs).
If you are only touching up roots, use about 25 grams.
Here’s a link to a tutorial video on YouTube by a very nice girl who explains everything. When I get a chance, I'll record a tutorial specifically for dreads, but remember, it's exactly the same process—you just need to soak each dread thoroughly, rubbing section by section to help the dye penetrate the inner hair of the dread as much as possible, not just the outer layer.
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