Dread Extensions and Cyberdreads

Dread extensions (natural and sythentic hair) and cyberdreads removibles.

Dread Extensions and Cyberdreads


  • Dread extensions

    Dread Extensions to Lengthen Your Natural or Synthetic Dreadlocks

    Created especially for you using a crochet needle according to your preferences. Comes with complimentary decorations.

  • Cyberdreads

    Cyberdreads: To wear dreadlocks without dreading your hair

    Also known as removable dreadlocks, clip-on dreadlocks, fake dreadlocks, synthetic dreadlocks...

    They are braided into your hair every 2/3 months without dreading your natural hair.

    Handmade and customizable, with decorative gifts.

    I’ll help you choose the perfect ones. What are you looking for? Choose the subcategory:

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